Nicole Bachmann (CH)
Ruth Beale (UK)
Michael Dean (UK)
Beatrice Gibson (UK)
Francesco Pedraglio (I)
Heather Phillipson (UK)
Reto Pulfer (CH)

Kunsthalle Basel, 13 January 2012
Museumsnacht, 9pm - 2am
Steinenberg 7, 4051 Basel

Performance as Publishing is an event that investigates the shifting relations between performance practice and discourse, event and writing.
The event furthermore explores the work of contemporary artists who use text as the base for their performance. Text does not primarily appear as a means of communication but as something, which has a shape and structure of its own. The performative act appears as an investigation into how meaning can be transformed and constructed through speech act and the voice. Performance therefore emerges as the main tool to make a text presentable and accessible. Through the implementation of voice, gestures and technical amplifiers a wider field of mediation is possible. Language may then be used in different terms (abstract, concrete) for unconventional mediations (fiction, fact), which challenges the perception and questions our daily cognition. Performance as Publishing looks at how language shapes and creates our world and how the corporal act is part of the linguistic mediation.

Conceived by: Nicole Bachmann and Ruth Beale
Curated by: Manuela Schlumpf